
How we fire

We never take this decision lightly.

We work hard to make our hiring process careful and detailed, aiming to avoid situations where we might have to part ways with someone. However, sometimes we fail.

Why We Might Part Ways at REBORRN

  1. ⛔️ Misalignment with Our Values & Culture
  2. We place immense value on our culture and principles, and we stand firm in upholding these standards without compromise, regardless of an individual's accomplishments or status.

    No matter how valuable someone is for the business in terms of performance and client engagement, if they are abusive with a peer or a report, they will get fired. If they set their personal agenda above the team's or the company's interest they will get fired. If they stop creating impactful and important work, they will be fired. These are only some examples. We believe that in a fast-changing world, culture eats strategy for breakfast. As such it is our #1 priority to maintain a thriving culture and always look back to our values and purpose as REBORRN's north star in every decision we make.

  3. πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ Stagnation in Growth
  4. We call ourselves 'Learning Beasts' 🦁 – curious and fast learners. Continuous growth is non-negotiable. From interns to partners, if there's a significant lapse in personal development, this is a reason to part ways. Growth is key to staying relevant, competitive, and sustaining high growth rates.

We don't fire:

  • For failures.
  • For lacking a certain skill set.
Important note: We will only consider parting ways after we have provided clear, constructive feedback, offered comprehensive support, and provided opportunities for improvement.