How we attract talent

Yes, word of mouth works here as well. Table of Contents: 1. How we source talent 2. Our job ads and career page 3. Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

We don't chase aggressive employer branding campaigns like we don't with our clients. Instead, our reputation grows organically through word of mouth, referrals, and our publications, all of which echo our key EVP pillars.

1️⃣ How we source talent

From our employees

While we don't run a formal referral program, every REBORRNian is encouraged to recommend rockstars from their circles. This approach has introduced us to some of our brightest minds.

Through our network

We're not shy about broadcasting to our connections. Even if there's no open slot, we're always up for meeting potential game-changers.

Hiring the right talent, is everyone’s responsibility - not only the Hiring Manager’s and HR’s. This is why we recently started a new practice to capitalise everyone’s network:

🔭 REBORRN Sourceathon This is our version of a Hackathon to scout for top talent and expand our pool for specific roles.
  • Who joined in? Our Management team, divided into two groups, one focusing on Consulting roles and the other on Tech roles.
  • What was the process like? Initially, Hiring Managers provided a brief overview of the roles and the kind of candidates they were seeking. Each group then tapped into their LinkedIn networks to identify the perfect candidates.

This was a team effort involving HR, Hiring Managers and the “talent sourcers”, (in this case the Management team) working together to attract top-notch talent.

Via our client's connections

Yep, it's as cool as it sounds – our clients love connecting us with talents. 😎

Our social media platforms

We're out there, making waves and catching attention! Find us on:

👉 Linkedin

👉 Instagram

👉 X

👉 Substack

2️⃣ Our job ads and career page

Of course, we also use traditional platforms, publishing our job ads on our career site and in the major job boards.

Career site

Job ads

When we talk about our job openings, we do it in a unique way that's gotten us some really good feedback.

Check out our current openings to see what we mean. We like to tell a story instead of just listing things out. Our style is simple, friendly, and straight to the point.

Here's what you'll find in our job ads:

  1. Our Elevator Pitch
  2. We kick off by introducing ourselves quickly – like we’re in an elevator and only have a few seconds. That's because we really only have a few seconds to grab a candidate’s attention!

  3. The Role in One Line
  4. For example: “As a Consultant, your job is to work alongside other talented folks to help big companies and growing startups succeed in today’s digital world.”

  5. Who Are You?
  6. Here’s where we talk about the perfect candidate. It’s more about their attitude attitude and what they can do than where they went to school. We’ve found that their way of thinking and doing things matters more than grades or degrees. Our team is super diverse – we even have someone who studied metal working with us in Organizational Design! We’re interested in who the candidates are and their abilities, not just their educational background.

  7. What your day-to-day life look like?
  8. No two days are the same here, but we give examples to help candidates picture what working with us is like.

  9. What’s in it for You?
  10. Making an impact and our cultural elements are the most important answers here, but we also mention our unique benefits in this section.

We believe this approach helps candidates really understand what it's like to work with us and if they’d be a good fit.

3️⃣ Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

It was very important to us to describe our EVP to explicitly curate why someone should join and stay at REBORRN. In other words, what sets us apart as employers.

Although we have a thorough method that we follow to do this exercise for our clients, given our size we decided to follow a lighter but still collaborative approach.

Our Approach and Process

  1. One-on-one interviews with the management team
  2. Initially, we conducted one-on-one interviews with the management team, during which we asked them a set of approximately 20 questions in different areas, including REBORRN objectives, learning and development opportunities offered, attracting talent, and our unique selling proposition.

  3. Focus groups
  4. We ran two focus group sessions in our offices involving a diverse group of REBORRNians. The selection of this group was based on recommendations from the management team, taking into account the involvement of people from different teams, seniority levels and areas of expertise to understand their perspectives on what makes the company a great place to work. These sessions delved into five key categories:

    a. Working at REBORRN

    b. Company Culture,

    c. Benefits,

    d. Future in REBORRN

    e. What sets us apart from other companies.

  5. Analysis of patterns and key insights Keeping in mind REBORRN’s purpose and values, along with the core principles that drive us, we gathered valuable insights from both one-on-one interviews and focus groups. Subsequently, we thoroughly analysed their responses with the help of different tools like Miro, considering how these align with employees' experiences and expectations.
  6. Curation and iterations of our pillars
  7. Given that almost 4 years ago, a small group of individuals collaboratively crafted our first Employee Value Proposition (EVP), we had to revisit and revise it, utilising our new insights. We synthesised the gathered information into a concise and compelling EVP statement. With the support of various team members, including Content & Experience experts, we developed our updated EVP statements which communicate what sets us apart as an employer and why employees should choose to work for and stay with REBORRN.

  8. Validation by the management team We shared these updated statements with our management team to review and share their feedback and finally made our last refinements to ensure our EVP resonates with the target audience.
  9. Internal communication Throughout this process, we ensured regular updates to all team members through Slack communication and during our All-Hands meetings. We were super excited to announce our new EVP during our final All-Hands meeting for 2023!
  10. Act upon the key insights on the areas for improvement
  11. During our one-on-one interviews and focus groups, we gathered valuable insights that underscored the strengths of REBORRN as a great place to work. However, we also identified areas of development and acting upon them.

👉Note: this was our approach for our EVP, which is a light version of how we usually approach EVP projects with clients that are bigger and more complex.

▾ Here is an example of such a project.

Our EVP Pillars

So, the above process resulted in the following pillars:
